Comment expérimenter la grande joie de la réalisation de soi qui définira le reste de votre vie ? Vous devez vous mettre en phase avec votre divinité et suivre un parcours très spécifique. Vous découvrirez comment dans la leçon 7.
What would it mean to discover a literal message coded into the DNA of life itself?
We no longer need to ask this question “What if?” A coded message has been found within the molecules of life, deep within the DNA of each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking the mathematics of ancient alphabets to the human genetic code, the language of life may now be read as the letters of a potent and timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, beliefs or lifestyle, the message is the same in each cell of every child, woman and man, past and present. With 114 active and armed conflicts, representing over one-half of the nations on earth today, such proof of a universal message offers compelling evidence that we are greater than any differences that may have previously divided us.
In this uniquely fascinating work, Gregg Braden shares the life-changing discovery that led him from a successful career as a problem solver for Fortune 500 companies to an extensive study of the most sacred and cherished traditions of human history. His controversial findings:
Show us how to decipher the message that was coded into our cells at the time of our origin.
Allow us to experience the message on a personal level as evidence that we are part of a greater existence.
Demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that we are living only a fraction of our greatest potential
Much more…
For hundreds of generations, each of us has carried the key to our future as a message to ourselves in a form that, once recognized, could not be mistaken. Perhaps in anticipation of the day when the search for our beginnings would lead to the DNA of life itself, it is only through our acceptance of our heritage that the message could ever be revealed.